Beauty, Non classé

How to enhance the beauty of your eyes

Posted by aroma-pure

Whenever the word “enhance” is used to speak about beauty, the direct link is, most of the time, make-up. Today, make-up is used to cover up, or to slightly alter and improve features. About the eyes, it is possible to make them bigger or to underline the lovely shape. The different and so numerous colours at disposal on the market via so many brands also help to contrast or improve the natural beauty of your eyes. But have you ever thought about eyeglasses as a fashion accessory? Even if your vision has only a small problem, it is interesting to invest in a pair of glasses.

What glasses can add to your look?

Oddly, glasses can bring confidence. Many of us may bear in mind the picture of a tiny creature with big glasses and being all the more uncomfortable about it. This belongs to the past. Glasses for children are fully adapted in their look to the age of boys and girls. Then, as young adults and adults, the frames have different styles. You may send several kinds of messages according to the kind of glasses you are wearing. Everyone remembers the famous author with a certain design of glasses, copying a turtle shell. So, how can you consider glasses as a fashion accessory?

  • be positive about the fact to wear glasses
  • be organized, if you don’t need to wear your glasses all the time
  • select a style and keep the structure 

Glasses are a way to assess who you want to be acknowledged for. If you are studying, the glasses will be comfortable, perhaps with a certain neutrality to match certain expectations during oral exams or job interviews. Once you have a job, the glasses will be quite close to your personality, and how you want to be perceived by your clients and colleagues. In other words, it means that in certain sectors, the glasses might be excentric, because it will match your outfit and will be remembered as daring and innovative. Designers such as architect would favour frames with tech materials, to show they know about new components or flexibility in designs of everyday objects.

Did you know that you may buy wooden framed glasses? Then it would express your love of nature and a great conversation starter. The first concerns when you are buying glasses are the shape and colour, then materials. The shape of your glasses must be really studied. It is not love at first sight! The shape of your face determine the shape of the glasses. If you do not want to be disappointed with your glasses in a very short time, you really have to respect a kind of discipline about this point. The same goes about the colour or colours. A main theme in harmony with your hair colour is playing safe. Out of common colours like a bright red would be more recommended for an extra pair of glasses, and, let’s say, if you are wearing a lot of red clothes. The same goes with zebras aspects with very bright colours. All in all, you need a strategy to fond harmony with your face, your make-up and your wardrobe.            


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